Social shares services

Starting with the v0.27.0, you have the following social shares services that you can enable:

  • Douban

  • Email

  • Facebook

  • Google Bookmark

  • Hacker News

  • LinkedIn

  • Odnoklassniki

  • Pinterest

  • Reddit

  • Telegram

  • Vkontakte

  • WhatsApp

  • X (former Twitter)

  • Xing


You can enable the social shares services by using the DECIDIM_SOCIAL_SHARE_SERVICES environment variable.

The format of this variable is as follows

Services names are case-sensitive.

Default services

By default we enable the following services: X, Facebook, WhatsApp and Telegram.

Social share modal

Custom services

If you have the need, you can enable your own service. To do that, as an example for a fictitious social service called "Foo", you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Add the logo of your service to the images' pack at app/packs/images/. Following the example, it’d be "foo.svg"

  2. Alternatively, you can provide any logo also. Simply as adding the icon key for such social share, e.g. "reddit-line"

  3. Add the social share service block configuration at the bottom of your Decidim initializer:

Decidim.register_social_share_service("Foo") do |service|
  service.icon = "foo.svg" # (or "reddit-line")
  service.share_uri = "{url}"
Depending on the service, you could use the following variables in the share URI:
* url
* title
* desc
* image
  1. Add the "Foo" service to DECIDIM_SOCIAL_SHARE_SERVICES environment variable.