Certificate of attendance

Understand the basics

For some events, participants may want to have an attendance certificate, to certify to their employer that they attended, or to certify they followed a training for example.

For this, administrators can create Certificates of attendance.

Create certificate of attendance

To access the certificate of attendance configuration, click in the secondary navigation panel on the "Certificate of attendance" item.

Conference Certificate of attendance backend

Table 1. Certificate of Attendance form
Field Type Description

Main logo


Logo of the conference or of the organization that makes the certificate of attendance.



Image of the person signature that signs the certificate.

Sign date


Date of the signature. Expected format: dd/mm/yyyy.

Signature name


Name of the person that signs the certificate.

Send the certificate

Once the certificate of attendance form is done, you can see a "Send certificates of attendance" button on the top right. This button allows administrators to send the certificate to all the confirmed registered users of the conference.

Conferences Certificate of Attendance send button
Once the certificate has been sent it can’t be resent.

The certificates of attendance are sent to the participants by email in PDF format.

Conferences Certificate of Attendance frontend