
Understand the basics

The Page component allows people to get information about a space. Administrators can fill a page with informational content, images, links, to inform and update the participants.

It’s similar to the general Pages, the main difference being that this component allows to define pages inside a participatory space, and not in the Help section.

Example of a page component in a participatory process


To create a Page component, first go in the participatory space where you want to create it.

Add Page component button


  1. Click on the "Components" item in the secondary menu

  2. Click the "Add component" button

  3. Select "Page"

  4. Fill the component creation form

You can still update this form and the configuration after creating the component, by clicking the Configure icon icon in the components list.

Add component form
Table 1. Add component: Page form
Field Type Description



The title of this component.

Order position


The order of the component in relation with the other components. Having a lower number means a higher priority. For instance, if you have two components, "Component a" with weight "10" and "Component b" with weight "0" then "component b" is first when ordering.

Table 2. Add component: Page form - Global settings
Field Type Description



A general announcement visible on the top of the page.

Table 3. Add component: Pages form - Step settings
Field Type Description



A general announcement visible on the top of the page for this phase.

Create a page

Once you created the Page component, click the Edit icon to write the content to be displayed on the page.

New page form

Table 4. New page form
Field Type Description



The content displayed on the page. You can add images, links, videos, formatting, etc.