
Understand the basics

Participatory spaces are the channels through which citizens can take part in public decision-making. By default, an instance is provided with those different spaces:

Table 1. Participatory spaces
Name Description Use cases

Participatory Processes

A participatory process allows administrators to configure different participatory components, which evolve over different participatory phases.

Participatory budgeting, Proposal recollection, Voting or debate process, etc.


An assembly allows administrator to configure participatory components in a continued space, with the possibility to define members.

Committee organization space, citizen assembly, etc.


Initiatives space allows administrators to open a bottom-up space, with different initiatives types.

Petitions, Hearing requests, Participatory process requests, etc.


A conference allows administrators to organize and publicize events, deal with registrations, program , speakers and venues.

Participatory event, Citizen assembly, Association festival, etc.

Any organization can develop its own spaces by creating Modules.


Spaces are accessible through the administration navigation bar.

Spaces in administrator sidebar

Once you start publishing spaces, participants see links to the different spaces indexes appear in the homepage global menu, the instance navigation bar and the footer.

Spaces visible in the public interface