Organization’s census authorization

The process is as follows:

  1. Admins upload a CSV with the emails of the verified participants

  2. Participants go to their account and request to be verified

  3. Only participants with an email in that CSV file can get verified

This authorization is too basic and you need more features related to CSV census imports? Check all the CSV or file based authorizations in the Modules page.

1. CSV upload

In the administrator panel, you can upload a CSV file by clicking on "Organization’s census" in the "Participants" section.

Organization’s census in administrator panel

After the CSV is imported then the administrator can see how many participants were imported. They can also delete this imported census.

Imported CSV

2. Participant request

By going to the authorization section in its profile, or by clicking on the action button if this permission is requested, a participant can request to be verified.

Organization’s census in participant’s accounts

3. Participant verification

After is verified, as with other verifications, they can see it in their account settings.

Verified by organization’s census