Understand the basics
The templates tab allow you to create templates and to save time when managing your instance. You can create templates for three different items:
Questionnaires: for creating template surveys in the survey component
Block user messages: for creating template justification for blocking reported users
Proposal answers: for creating template answers to proposals
Once created, those templates are available to all the administrators, and help them manage the instance more efficiently.
To access the Templates configuration panel, go in the administration panel and click the "Templates" item in the administration navigation bar.

There, you can start creating and managing:

At the end of each of the participatory processes you do, you want to collect the feedback of the participants. Creating a questionnaire template makes the survey creation quicker than re-creating the survey and its questions for each process.
On some platforms, you can also have spam users, that you want to be able to block quickly for the same reason each time. Creating a justification template allow you to quickly choose this justification when blocking a spam user, rather than writing it again each time.
Same goes for proposal answers, sometimes you want to give a same answer to a lot of different proposals. Creating a proposal answer template allows you and the processes administrators to manage proposals more efficiently.