Participatory process creation

Understand the basics

Participatory processes allows administrators to configure components in articulation with different participatory phases. To start creating a process, when on the process list, click the "New process" button at the top right of the page.

The process creation form is divided into different sections that are detailed in the sections below.

Once you created a process, in the secondary navigation panel, you can see all the process configuration available:

General information

This section allows to provide a general description about the process, mainly a title, URL, and description.

New participatory process form general info section
Table 1. New participatory process form: General information
Field Type Description Visibility



Title of the participatory process. For instance, "Participatory Budgeting 2020"

Visible in the card of the process on the homepage, the processes index, the navigation, and the "Hero image and CTA" landing page block.



Subtitle. For instance, "Let’s decide our priorities together"

Visible in the "Hero image and CTA" landing page block.

Order position


Determines the order of the process when displayed in the processes index or homepage.


URL slug


URL slugs are used to generate the URLs that point to this process. Only accepts letters, numbers and dashes, and must start with a letter.

Visible in the URL of the participatory process, for example



Hashtag redirecting to the X social network.

Visible in the "Hero image and CTA" landing page block.

Short description


A short explanation of what’s the participatory process about.

Visible in the "Main data" landing page block.



A detailed explanation of what’s the participatory process about.

Visible in the "Main data" landing page block.



The text you enter here is shown to the user right below the process information.

Visible in the "Announcement" landing page block.


This section allows to provide information about the process start and end dates. It can be enabled on the landing page with the "Phase & duration" landing page block.

New participatory process form duration section
Table 2. New participatory process form: Duration
Field Type Description

Start date


When this process start. You have a calendar widget to choose the day. Expected format: dd/mm/yyyy

End date


When this process start. You have a calendar widget to choose the day. Expected format: dd/mm/yyyy


New participatory process form images section
Table 3. New participatory process form: Images
Field Type Description

Home image


Image used in presentation cards of this process. Guidance for file: Has to be an image or a document. For images, use preferably landscape images, the service crops the image. Maximum file size: 10 MB


This section allows to provide meta information about the process. It can be enabled on the landing page with the "Metadata" landing page block.

New participatory process form metadata section
Table 4. New participatory process form: Metadata
Field Type Description

Promoter group


If a specific group is at the origin of the process, like a city direction, an association committee, etc.

Organization area


The organization domain or category, if it’s relevant.

Scope metadata


Metadata on the process scope, if it’s relevant.

Who participates


Who are the authorized participants, who can participate to the process.

What is decided


The issue of the process, the object of what is decided.

How is it decided


The decision making process.


This section determines the filters available in the process, in the different components. Filters can then be enabled and configured in each components.

New participatory process form filters section
Table 5. New participatory process form: Filters
Field Type Description

Scopes enabled


Check if you want to have Scopes filtering in this process.



Which Scope does this process belongs to.

Scope filter depth


Restrict the scope filter depth. This is relevant if you have complex relations in Scopes children (like a Russian Doll). For instance if you have Grandmother → Mother → Child nested scopes, this setting allows you to choose the Mother scope, so the participants can only filter between the Child sub-scopes. This would be the case for instance if you have Provinces → Cities → Districts, and the process is about a particular City.



Which Area does this process belongs to.


This section allows administrators to configure the process placement in the different pages and its publicity or no.

New participatory process form visibility section
Table 6. New participatory process form: Visibility
Field Type Description

Processes group


Enables to group multiple processes together. Check Process Groups to know more.

Private space


Check this if the process should only be accessible by Private Participants.



Check if you want the process to have more visibility in the Process public list and the "Highlighted processes" content block in the Homepage configuration.

This section allows to create relations between processes. It’s different from processes groups. It can be enabled on the landing page with the "Related processes" landing page block.

New participatory process form Related processes section
Table 7. New participatory process form: Related processes
Field Type Description

Related processes


Select other participatory processes that are related to this one.


This section is empty, unless an administrator already created Process Types. If so, you should be able to select a process type to categorize the process. Participants are then able to filter processes in the processes index with those types.

Choose a process type when editing a process
Process types filter in the processes index