Participants impersonations

Sometimes, people don’t have the time to create an account, or don’t have the knowledge or ability to use technological tools. Impersonations allow administrators and participant managers to enable those persons to participate anyway.

In the code and the User Interface, Impersonation and Managed Participants are the same thing.

Enable / disable impersonations

Impersonations are only available when at least one authorization is enabled for the organization. Indeed, they allow the system to search through a Verification system for an already existing participant, and to create a participant without the need for an email address.

To enable an authorization, you need to have access to the System panel or ask your instance implementer.

Administrators Impersonations panel with no authorizations

The different authorizations give you different possibilities:

  • View impersonation logs only: When Identity documents, Code by postal letter, and/or Organization’s census are enabled

  • Impersonate existing and new users: Direct verification enabled, like example authorization or other custom direct authorizations.

You can learn more regarding how to program your form authorization in Decidim-verification README.
Administrators Impersonations panel with view log
Administrators Impersonations panel with impersonation action

Manage impersonations

You can find all the participants of the platform, with:

  • Name: name of the participant.

  • Status: if the participant is impersonated/managed or not.

You can filter this list by clicking the "Filter" button and search for participants by their name.


Table 1. Actions
Icon Name Definition Condition

Impersonate icon


To impersonate the participant.

Available all the time.

View logs icon

View logs

To view the impersonation history of the participant.

Available all the time.

Promote icon


To view the impersonation history of the participant.

Available only for managed users.

Impersonate a participant

Click the "Manage new participant" button. You are then able to enter the personal data to check against the verification:

Administrators Impersonations form

After this data is checked by the system, it opens a session for the participant for 30 minutes. A banner at the top of the page reminds the administrator that they are impersonating the participant, and the remaining time.

Impersonated user session

Promote a managed participant

Administrators can promote managed participants, to invite them to the create an account on the platform. Click the "Promote" icon to be able to add an email address to the participant and invite them by email.

Administrators promotion Impersonations