Assemblies types

Understand the basics

In some cases it is necessary to organize assemblies by more than just children and sub-assemblies. This is where assemblies types can be useful, and add a layer of categorization. Participants are then able to filter assemblies by the assembly types you created.

Assembly types work similarly to Process types.

Manage assemblies types

To access the assembly types list, click the "Manage" button on the top right of the page, and click the "Assemblies type" menu item.

Backend assemblies types menu item

Create an assembly type

Click the "New assembly type" button on the top right of the page.

Process type creation form
Table 1. New assembly type form: General information
Field Type Description



Title of the assembly type.

Add assembly type to an assembly

To relate assemblies to assembly types, in the edition page of an assembly, select the assembly type under the section labelled Other.

Choose an assembly type when editing an assembly

Filter by assembly types

If there is at least one assembly type defined and related to an assembly, a filter is displayed at the left of the assemblies list in the participant interface, allowing filtering of assemblies.

Assemblies types filter in the assemblies index