Admin filters

Filters in admin panels are defined with a common Filterable concern and each one defines a series of methods defining the different available filters, the options for each one, etc.

Decidim provides an Api to manage and add custom elements to each admin filter defined in the application. Each defined filter can be accessed by a unique symbol and provides the methods add_filters and add_dynamically_translated_filters which allows us to add new items to the respective filters and dynamically_translated arrays provided by the filter registry and add_filters_with_values which allows us to merge new items into the filters_with_values hash also provided by the registry.

Note that those methods are called at filter rendering time, so all methods provided by the controller and the concern filterable are available to evaluate when defining new elements

For example, to add new filter to proposals index:

Decidim.admin_filter(:proposals) do |filter|
  # An example of how to access to the context. In this case the custom
  # filter is only enabled for evaluators of the space
  if current_participatory_space.user_roles(:evaluator).where(user: current_user).exists?
    filter.add_filters_with_values(custom_new_filter: %w(custom_new_value_1 custom_new_value_2))

The filter registry definition block is called from the proposals filterable concern in this way:

delegate :filters, :dynamically_translated_filters, :filters_with_values, to: :filter_config

def filter_config
  @filter_config ||=