Registration types

Understand the basics

Registrations are one of the specificity of the conference space, as they can allow participants to register to the whole conference, to certain days only, or to specific tracks for example, rather than registering meeting by meeting.

If you want to enable registration you’ll need to define and publish at least one registration type.

Administrators can configure those different types of "tickets" in the registration types section:

  1. Define the registration types

  2. Enable registrations when it’s ready

  3. Participants are then able to register and choose the fit type of registration

Once registrations are enabled, participants can click a button to register to the conference in the landing page and the conference’s header.

Registration button on hero section
Registration button on landing page details
Registration button on landing page register section

Manage registration types

To access the registration types configuration, click in the secondary navigation panel on the "Media links" item.

Manage registration types


Once participants register to a registration type, it can’t be edited nor deleted.
Table 1. Actions
Icon Name Definition

Edit icon


To edit this registration type.

Publish speaker icon


To publish this registration type (when not published)

Unpublish speaker icon


To unpublish this registration type (when published)

Delete icon


To delete this registration type.

Create a new registration type

To create a new registration type, click the "New registration type" button in the top right of the page.

Create a new registration type form
Table 2. Create a new registration type
Field Type Description



The title of this registration type.

Order position


Which order it has in relation to the other types. Having a lower number means a higher priority. For instance, if you have two types, "Day 1" with weight "10" and "Day 2" with weight "0" then "Day 2" is first when ordering.



Description for this registration type.



Define a price for this registration type. If you don’t define a price, then it’s free.

Select conference meetings


The meetings this registration type gives access to.

Register as a participant

If the participant isn’t logged in, when clicking on one of the "Register" buttons, they can log in or create an account, and see the registration types.

Select registration type without a user account

If the participant is logged in, when clicking on one of the "Register" buttons, they can directly register.

Select registration type with user account

When clicking on the Register button for a registration type, a pop-up is displayed with the registration terms from the conference configuration form.

Pop up with registration terms