Space administrators

Understand the basics

You can give specific permissions to users in the different spaces, so they can only have access to some of the administration actions. These roles are administrators, moderators, collaborators, and valuators.

  • Administrators: they can administer the space and change the space settings.

  • Collaborators: they can see the space and its components before it’s published and view the space settings. They can’t edit anything.

  • Moderators: they can see the reported contents of the space and hide or unhide it.

  • Valuators: they can evaluate proposals, give them answers and update their statuses.

How to find it?

To configure space administrators, click the "Process admins" or "Assembly admins" item in the corresponding space.

Administrators of space

Manage admins

You can find all the administrators on the list in the administration panel, with:

  • Name: name of the administrator account.

  • Email: email of the administrator account.

  • Last log in date: last time the administrator was logged in.

  • Invitation accepted at: date when the administrator accepted the invitation by clicking the link in the invitation email.

  • Role: administrator role.


Table 1. Actions in administrators list
Icon Name Definition

Edit icon


To edit the administrator role.

Delete icon


To delete the space administrator rights. It doesn’t delete the account of the administrator.

Add a space administrator

Click on the New space admin button (depending in the kind of space you’re in).

New space administrator form

Table 2. New space administrator form
Field Type Description



What’s the name of the new administrator.



What’s the email of the new administrator, so they can receive an invitation if they don’t already have an account.



Which role does this administrator should have in the space. Can be any of Administrator, Collaborator, Moderator, or Valuator.



A space administrator can administer the space and change the space settings. They can also invite new space administrators. When managing the space, they would only see the following views and tabs.

Process administrators view 01

Process administrators view 02


A space collaborator can preview a space before it’s published.

Process collaborators view


A space moderator can review the reported contents of the space and hide or unhide them. They can also access the reported content in the global moderation panel, but don’t see the contents reported from other spaces.

Process moderators view


A space valuator can review the proposals of the space that were assigned to them, by:

  • change the status of the proposals, by accepting or rejecting them.

  • give an answer to the proposals.

  • add a monetary value to the proposals, so they can be voted with the budget component.

Process valuators view