Social providers integration

If you want to enable sign up through social providers like Facebook you will need to generate app credentials and store them in one of the following places:

  • In the Rails secrets file: config/secrets.yml. This configuration will be shared by all tenants.

  • In the site configuration (ex. system/organizations/1/edit). This configuration overrides the one in config/secrets.yml.

Take into account that for a social provider integration appearing in the organization form, it must also be defined in config/secrets.yml (but the values are optional). For example:

  enabled: false # disabled by default, unless activated in the organization


  1. Navigate to Facebook Developers Page

  2. Follow the "Add a New App" link.

  3. Click the "Website" option.

  4. Fill in your application name and click "Create New Facebook App ID" button.

  5. Fill in the contact email info and category.

  6. Validate the captcha.

  7. Ignore the source code and fill in the URL field with https://YOUR_DECIDIM_HOST/users/auth/facebook/callback

  8. Navigate to the application dashboard and copy the APP_ID and APP_SECRET

  9. Paste credentials in config/secrets.yml or in the organization configuration. Ensure the enabled attribute is true.


  1. Navigate to Twitter Developers Page

  2. Follow the "My apps" link.

  3. Click the "Create New App" button.

  4. Fill in the Name, Description fields.

  5. Fill in the Website and Callback URL fields with the same value. If you are working on a development app you need to use instead of http://localhost:3000/.

  6. Check the 'Developer Agreement' checkbox and click the 'Create your Twitter application' button.

  7. Navigate to the "Keys and Access Tokens" tab and copy the API_KEY and API_SECRET.

  8. (Optional) Navigate to the "Permissions" tab and check the "Request email addresses from users" checkbox.

  9. Paste credentials in config/secrets.yml or in the organization configuration. Ensure the enabled attribute is true.


  1. Navigate to Google Developers Page

  2. Follow the 'Create project' link.

  3. Fill in the name of your app.

  4. Navigate to the project dashboard and click on "Enable API"

  5. Click on Google+ API and then "Enable"

  6. Navigate to the project credentials page and click on OAuth consent screen.

  7. Fill in the Product name field

  8. Click on Credentials tab and click on "Create credentials" button. Select OAuth client ID.

  9. Select Web applications. Fill in the Authorized JavaScript origins with your url. Then fill in the Authorized redirect URIs with your url and append the path /users/auth/google_oauth2/callback.


  11. Paste credentials in config/secrets.yml or in the organization configuration. Ensure the enabled attribute is true.


You can use your own Decidim application to log in to other applications that support OAuth 2. To do it you need to create an OAuth application from the admin panel for each client that wants to use Decidim.

To create a new OAuth application in the OAuth provider Decidim installation you need:

  • Name: The name of the client application that will be shown to the user when authorizing it from your Decidim application.

  • Redirect URI: The URI where the Decidim application should redirect the user after authorizing it. It is usually where you handle the OAUth callback in your client application. If you are using omniauth-decidim the value should be YOUR_APPLICATION_HOST/users/auth/decidim/callback.

  • Organization name: The name of the organization that owns the client application.

  • Organization URL: The URL of the organization that owns the client application.

  • Organization logo: An image of the logo of the organization that owns the client application.

All the organization data will be used during the authorization process so the users know to who they are giving their data.

Once you have created your application you will get the settings to setup your clients.

Instructions in how to configure the client applications can be found in the module’s usage section.

Custom providers

  • You can define your own provider, to allow users from other external applications to login into Decidim.

  • The provider should implement an OmniAuth strategy.

  • You can use any of the existing OnmiAuth strategies.

  • Or you can create a new strategy, as the Decidim OmniAuth Strategy. This strategy allow users from a Decidim instance to login in other Decidim instance. For example, this strategy is used to allow users to log into

  • Once you have defined your strategy, you can configure it in the config/secrets.yml or in the organization configuration, as it is done for the built-in providers.

  • By default, Decidim will search in its icons library for an icon named as the provider. You can change this adding an icon or icon_path attribute to the provider configuration. The icon attribute sets the icon name to look for in the Decidim’s icons library. The icon_path attribute sets the route to the image that should be used.

  • Here is an example of the configuration section for the Decidim strategy, using an icon located on the application’s app/packs/images folder:

      enabled: true
      client_id: <%= ENV["DECIDIM_CLIENT_ID"] %>
      client_secret: <%= ENV["DECIDIM_CLIENT_SECRET"] %>
      site_url: <%= ENV["DECIDIM_SITE_URL"] %>
      icon_path: decidim-logo.svg
  • You will need a custom initializer for your provider in order to pass the proper params to the OmniaAuth Builder.

An example of custom initializer could be written as:

if Rails.application.secrets.dig(:omniauth, :myprovider).present?
  Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
      setup: ->(env) {
          request =
          organization = Decidim::Organization.find_by(host:
          provider_config = organization.enabled_omniauth_providers[:myprovider]
          env["omniauth.strategy"].options[:client_id] = provider_config[:client_id]
          env["omniauth.strategy"].options[:client_secret] = provider_config[:client_secret]
          env["omniauth.strategy"].options[:site] = provider_config[:site_url]
      scope: :public

The custom provider may have different configuration options, instead of client_id, client_secret and site.