Sign an initiative

Understand the basics

Initiatives are meant to be signed, wether with online or in-person signatures. The goal of an initiative author is to promote its initiative and gather support for it.

Signature process

Once the initiative is published by an administrator, it becomes visible in the initiatives listing page.

Initiatives index in front with initiatives

The initiative page displays a "Sign" button and a signature counter, with the signature goal to reach and the current signature number.

Initiative show after it was published

Authorized participants only have to click the "Sign" button for their signature to be taken into account.

Depending on the authorizations you ask for signing, the process may be different and include additional steps.

Once the participant clicked the button, the signature is incremented in the signature counter. If it’s authorized for this initiative type, participants can also undo their signature by clicking the "Already signed" button.

Initiative show after it was signed