Promoter’s committee
Understand the basics
A promoter’s committee is a group of people carrying and promoting the initiative jointly. For example, it could be a collective initiative that needs to be carried out by several citizens to be accepted by the administration, etc. Promoter’s committee rules are set by the administrators when managing the initiative types, so they can be optional for some initiatives, and mandatory for others, with the necessity of having three people carrying an initiative for example.
For those initiatives that need a minimum number of members in the promoter’s committee, the author needs to send them a link for them to be able to join the committee before it can be sent for technical validation.
Committee members can only be added before the initiative is sent to technical validation. |
Inviting a committee member
During the initiative creation process, or later on the initiative page and edit form, the author can copy an invitation link. They should send this link to the other initiative promoters.

When going on the link, the invited committee member can see the initiative title and content, and can request to become a member of the promoter committee.

The author of an initiative can manage the committee members requests in the edition page of the initiative.

All the approved committee members are then able to access the initiative, edit it, manage its members, and send it to technical validation. The initiative can’t be sent to technical validation until it meets the minimum number of committee members required.