
In this page you can configure your instance homepage, by enabling different content blocks, that you can organize as you want by dragging and dropping them in the two columns.

  1. Add different content blocks by clicking the "Add content block" button, and choose the one you want to add.

  2. Configure the content block (if configurable) while it’s in the inactive content blocks columns

  3. Finally, move the content block in the active content blocks column to make it appear on the homepage

Decidim Admin Homepage
In your installation you could have other content blocks, as this depends on which modules you have active. Please contact your system administrator if you see something different here, like a missing content block.

Below, you’ll find all the content blocks configuration guides and screenshots of how there are displayed on the homepage.

Homepage content blocks

These are the different content blocks enabled with the official Decidim modules.

Hero image and CTA

The hero image and CTA content block allows to display:

  • a welcome text: to welcome the participants, or to advertise a new process for example.

  • a call to action button: by default, a "Participate" button redirecting to the participatory processes index. Can be customized in Appearance thanks to the Call To Action button fields.

  • an image: the downloaded image is displayed with an opacity filter, to make sure the welcome text is readable.

Hero image in Homepage backend content block

In the screenshot below, the CTA button has been personalized in the in Appearance section.

Hero image in Homepage frontend content block

Global menu

The global menu content block displays a navigation menu on the homepage with all the participatory spaces types that you created on your instance.

Global menu in Homepage frontend content block

Sub hero banner

The sub hero banner content block displays the description text of the instance configured in Appearance.

Sub hero banner in Homepage content block

Highlighted content banner

The highlighted content banner content block displays the banner configured in Appearance.

Highlighted content banner in Homepage content block

The footer sub hero banner content block displays a default text that can’t be configured. Move it to inactive or delete it if you don’t want it to be displayed on the homepage.

Hero image in Homepage content block

How to participate

The how to participate content block displays a default text that can’t be configured, and a button redirecting participants to the help pages.

How to participate in Homepage content block

Upcoming meetings

The upcoming meetings content block displays:

  • a list of upcoming meetings: published and visible incoming meetings appear as a list.

  • a map: upcoming meetings are displayed as pins on the map when they have an address.

  • a calendar: the calendar shows in grey the current date, and in the secondary color the date of the next meeting of the month.

  • a link to see all meetings: this link redirects to the instance meeting page, also accessible via the "Meetings" button in the header.

Upcoming meetings in Homepage content block

Last activity

The last activity content block displays a list of the contents participants and administrators published in the last days. Participants can see:

  • the publication date

  • the content title

  • the content type: comment, meeting, proposal, blog post, etc.

  • the space or content where it was published

  • the user who published it

Last activity in Homepage content block

Highlighted processes

The highlighted processes content block displays a grid of participatory processes on the homepage. You can configure the maximum of processes to display by clicking the "Edit" button on the content block (6, 9, or 10).

Highlighted processes in Homepage content block

Highlighted assemblies

The highlighted assemblies content block displays a grid of assemblies on the homepage. You can configure the maximum of assemblies to display by clicking the "Edit" button on the content block (6, 9, or 10).

Highlighted assemblies in Homepage content block

Highlighted conferences

The highlighted conferences content block displays a grid of conferences on the homepage. You can configure the maximum of conferences to display by clicking the "Edit" button on the content block (6, 9, or 10).

Highlighted conferences in Homepage content block

Highlighted initiatives

The highlighted processes content block displays a grid of participatory processes on the homepage. You can configure the maximum of processes to display by clicking the "Edit" button on the content block (6, 9, or 10). You can also choose if you want to display initiatives by least or more recent ones.

Highlighted initiatives in Homepage content block

Organization statistics

The organization statistics content block displays statistics about the participation on your instance, such as the number of participants, proposals, meetings, etc.

Organizations statistics in Homepage content block

Organization metrics

The organization metrics content block displays the evolution of the participation on your instance.

Looking for how to enable this feature technically? Go to Metrics in Developers guide
Organization metrics in Homepage content block

HTML block

The HTML block content block allows to add an editable HTML block on the homepage, and therefore to create a personalized section.

HTML block in Homepage content block

Here are some examples of how some organizations personalize their homepage with this content block.

HTML block in Homepage content block Barcelona example

Homepage HTML block of the platform of the city of Barcelona in Spain (www.decidim.barcelona).

HTML block in Homepage content block NYC example

Homepage HTML block of the platform of New York City in USA (www.participate.nyc.gov).

HTML block in Homepage content block Kakogawa example

Homepage HTML block of the platform of the city of Kakogawa in Japan (kakogawa.diycities.jp).

HTML block in Homepage content block Lausanne example

Homepage HTML block of the platform of the city of Lausanne in Switzerland (participer.lausanne.ch).