Identity documents authorization

This authorization allows a participant to upload its identity documents into the platform, and get their account verified. These documents depend on the organization, they could be a driver’s license, a passport, a national identity card, a club membership card, etc.

If you don’t want to collect any data, you should turn it off in the System panel.

These documents are reviewed by an administrator who can accept or reject them. It’s possible to do this process in two ways:

  • Online: the participant is asked to upload the documents, and the administrator reviews these documents.

  • Offline: the participant is asked to fill in some data, and then they need to go to a physical place to show their documents face to face.


Click the "Config" button to configure the authorization.

ID document authorization configuration
Table 1. ID Documents authorization configuration
Field Type Description

Available methods


At least one method must be selected. Options: Online and/or Offline.

Instructions for offline verification

Required (if offline is selected)

Directions that participants need to follow to verify their documents when offline verification is selected. For instance, do they need to go to a specific place to show their documents? Is this place open some days of the week? Is it open for certain hours?

Online verification

The process is:

  1. Participants fill in their document type and number and upload a copy of their document.

  2. An administrator fills in the information present in the uploaded image.

  3. The information should match whatever the user filled in.

  4. If the administrator can’t see the information or they can’t get it verified, they can reject the request and the user will be able to fix it.

1. Participant authorization creation

By going to the authorization section in its profile, or by clicking on the action button if this permission is requested, a participant can see the form for uploading a copy of their document. They also need to fill in their document type and number.

ID document authorization online form
You can change the document types options by customizing or overriding the code.

2. Administrator document review

After this document is uploaded, an administrator can review it by going to the Identity documents section in the administration panel.

ID document authorization pending online verification

After clicking on the verification id link or on the document, the administrator needs to review the image and fill in the document number in the field. This number needs to match with the one provided by the participant.

ID document authorization online confirmation form

3. Administrator decision

There are two actions an administrator can do:

  • Verify: the system checks if the document numbers entered by administrator and user are the same.

  • Reject: the participant have to edit their authorization if they want to get verified.

If the request is rejected then the participant can provide other pictures or document.

ID document authorization rejected online verification

Once a participant is verified, their documents are deleted from the list.

Offline verification

The process is:

  1. Participants fill in their document type and number.

  2. Participants follow the instructions provided to them. For instance, if they need to go to a specific place in a specific time to show their documents.

  3. An administrator go to the "Offline verification" panel and fills in the information present in the physical documents.

  4. The information should match whatever the user filled in.

  5. If the administrator can’t see the information or they can’t get it verified, they can reject the request and the user is then able to fix it.

For this authorization to work, an administrator need to first configure it in the administration panel with the instructions explaining what the participant need to do to finish the verification process.

ID document authorization configuration: offline instructions

1. Participant authorization creation

By going to the authorization section in its profile, or by clicking on the action button if this permission is requested, a participant can see the form for filling in their document type and number.

ID document authorization offline form

2. Administrator document review

In the administration panel, the administrator can review the request by clicking the "Offline verification" button.

ID document authorization offline button in administration

Then they need to fill some data provided by the participant and review the document physically provided.

ID document authorization offline confirmation form in administration
Table 2. ID Documents authorization offline form
Field Type Description

Participant email


Email of the registered participant

Type of the document


Can be: ID or Passport

Document number


Document number of the participant. For instance, "12345678Z"

3. Administrator decision

In the cases where the verifications don’t match (meaning that the email or the document number provided by the participant and the ones filled by the administrators aren’t the same), then the participant needs to edit it within their user account.


It’s also possible to enable both of these verifications methods. In this case, the participant has to choose which kind of verification they want to do.

Choose ID document verification kind