
Understand the basics

The Sortitions component allows to sort a number of proposals with random, yet reproducible, procedures that guarantees non-biased and uniform distributions.

For example, it can be useful for sorting candidates for a jury, or participatory budgeting proposals.

to conduct a sortition, you need a dice or another random way to generate a number from 1 to 6, as well as witnesses.

Example of a sortition


To create a Sortitions component, first go in the participatory space where you want to create it.

Add Sortitions component button


  1. Click on the "Components" item in the secondary menu

  2. Click the "Add component" button

  3. Select "Sortitions"

  4. Fill the component creation form

You can still update this form and the configuration after creating the component, by clicking the Configure icon Configure icon in the components list.

Add component form
Table 1. Add component: Sortitions form
Field Type Description



Title of this component.

Order position


The order of the component in relation with the other components. Having a lower number means a higher priority. For instance, if you have two components, "Component a" with weight "10" and "Component b" with weight "0" then "component b" is first when ordering.

Table 2. Add component: Sortitions form - Global settings
Field Type Description

Comments enabled


Whether you want to have comments in the sortitions.

Comments max length


The characters limit that participants have when making comments. Leave 0 for default value.

Create a sortition

New sortition backend form
Table 3. New sortition form
Field Type Description



The title of this sortition.

Proposals set


The proposal component to base the sortition on. Both components must be in the same space.

Categories of the set of proposals in which you want to apply the draw


If you have categories, can allow to do the sortition only inside one of the categories.

Number of proposals to be selected


Indicate the number of proposals you want to be selected by drawing lots of the group of proposals you have previously chosen.



The witnesses attending the draw and who can vouch for its authenticity.

Sortition information


Explanation on why the sortition is done.

Result of die roll


Roll a 6-sided die, or look for another random way to generate a number from 1 to 6, and enter here the resulting number in front of some witnesses. This contributes to the quality and guarantees of the randomness of the result.

Manage sortitions

To start creating and managing sortitions, click in the component title in the navigation bar or in the component list, or click in the Manage component icon Manage icon on the components list.

Manage sortitions table

On the sortitions list in the administration panel, administrators can see:

  • Reference: Reference of the sortition.

  • Title: Title of the sortition.

  • Creation date: Creation date of the sortition.


Table 4. Actions
Icon Name Definition

Edit icon


Edit form for a sortition.

Preview icon

Sortition details

To see the results of the sortition in the administration panel.

Permissions icon


To handle the authorizations needed to comment sortitions.

Delete icon


To delete this debate.