
The Page component allows people to get information about a space. It’s similar to the general Pages admin section, with the main difference is that this component allows to define pages in a space, and the general Pages admin section allows to define pages for all the platform (for instance, help pages, terms of services, or FAQs), that aren’t associated to a space.

From this starting point, there could be other configurations, such as:

Some examples of where this component was used:

More information page in 2020 Participatory Budgeting process in Decidim Barcelona - Frontend More information page in 2020 Participatory Budgeting process in Decidim Barcelona - Backend

To configure the Page component:

  1. Sign in as admin

  2. Go to admin panel

  3. In the main sidebar, click in the button for the space that you want to configure the component for. For instance, it could be "Processes", "Assemblies", or "Conferences"

  4. Go to components

  5. Click on "Add component" button

  6. Click on "Page"

  7. Fill the Add component form

Add component

Add component form

Table 1. Add component: Page form
Field Type Description



What is the title of this component. For instance, "More information".

Order position


Which order will it have in relation to the other pages. Having a lower number means a higher priority. For instance, if you have two pages, "Page a" with weight "10" and "Page b" with weight "0", then "Page b" will be first when ordering.

Table 2. Add component: Page form - Global settings
Field Type Description



A general announcement that’ll be visible on the general pages landing page.

In the cases where the space that this component will be used has Phases, for instance, in Participatory Processes, then you can also define different behaviors per Step.

Table 3. Add component: Pages form - Step settings
Field Type Description



A general announcement that’ll be visible on the general page landing page.


As this component doesn’t allow to do anything, there are no permissions to set up.

New page form

New page form

Table 4. New page form
Field Type Description



What is the body for the page.