
Understand the basics

The Accountability component allows participants to know the status of a project’s implementation and to follow its evolution.

This feature allows administrators to present a summary of the achievements decided upon in assemblies, during participatory processes, or any other space. Administrators create Results they can then categorize and link to proposals, meetings, or investment projects (for example, as part of a participatory budget).

Example of results list

Results can be closely monitored, with a history of modifications saved, and percentages of completion and milestones indicating their progress. The results, projects, and states can be updated manually through the administration panel or through a CSV.

Example of a result

In this documentation section, you can find how to configure and manage all of those items:


To create an Accountability component, first go in the participatory space where you want to create it.

Add Accountability component button


  1. Click on the "Components" item in the secondary menu

  2. Click the "Add component" button

  3. Select "Accountability"

  4. Fill the component creation form

You can still update this form and the configuration after creating the component, by clicking the Configure icon in the components list.

Add component form
Table 1. Accountability form
Field Type Description



What is the title of this component. For instance "Accountability"

Order position


The order of the component in relation with the other components. Having a lower number means a higher priority. For instance, if you have two components, "Component a" with weight "10" and "Component b" with weight "0" then "component b" is first when ordering.

Table 2. Global settings
Field Type Description

Scopes enabled


Check if you want to have Scopes filtering available in this component.



Which Scope does this component belongs to.

Comments enabled


Whether you want to have comments in the component.

Comments max length


The characters limit that participants have when making comments. Leave 0 for the default value.



A general introduction that’ll be displayed on the accountability landing page.

Display progress


Check it if you want a progress bar to be displayed on the results with aa progress level.

Table 3. Step settings
Field Type Description

Comments blocked


Whether you want to enable comments for this phase.


Below, you can find some links to examples Accountability components: