Testing SSL in localhost

In some cases is useful to access the localhost environment under SSL (ie: https://localhost:3443/).

A typical use case is when you want to test login integration with 3rd party systems using OAuth (which in the latest versions only the HTTPS protocol is allowed).

Using Puma, the default server for Rails, you can easily do the trick by creating a self-signed certificate and using it when starting your development environment. A dummy certificate is shipped within the decidim-dev module which is usually included in the :development group of your Gemfile.

Starting development in SSL mode

If you created the Decidim development app using the default development app generator, you already should have the necessary configurations for starting the development server under SSL. You can start the development server under SSL at port 3443 (default) using the following command:

DEV_SSL=true bin/rails s

Also make sure that the decidim-dev gem is included in the :development group of your Gemfile as it should be unless you changed it.

After that, you can start the development server under SSL at port 3443 (default) using the following command:

Now you are ready to visit your favorite browser at the address https://localhost:3443/ (note "https" and port 3443). If you would like to test the non-SSL "http" version, it is also running normally at port 3000, so you can access that as you normally would.

Note: Your browser is going to complain as this is a self-signed certificate, that’s ok for development, just add an exception and accept the certificate.

Testing tenants using lvh.me

You can also test the multi-tenant capabilities of Decidim by using alternative domains or subdomains that points to your local machine. lvh.me is a service that does just that without configuring anything in your machine (an alternative is to add entries in your /etc/hosts with a testing domain of your choice). Just point your browser to any subdomain of lvh.me and you’ll be in your own machine.

Just access your /system admin and create new organization with some subdomain of lvh.me: organization.lvh.me, tenant2.lvh.me, etc.

You can combine this with the previously generated certificate (your browser is going to complaint but just tell it to proceed vising the site).

Finally remember to add the port as lvh.me do not forwards anything, for instance (use http or https depending on how you’ve started Rails):


Optional: Create your own self-signed certificate for localhost

If you don’t want to rely on the dummy certificate shipped with the decidim-dev gem, you can also create the certificates yourself.

First you need a SSL certificate for the localhost domain (you only need to execute this command once):

openssl req -x509 -out localhost.crt -keyout localhost.key \
  -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -sha256 \
  -subj '/CN=localhost' -extensions EXT -config <( \
   printf "[dn]\nCN=localhost\n[req]\ndistinguished_name = dn\n[EXT]\nsubjectAltName=DNS:localhost\nkeyUsage=digitalSignature\nextendedKeyUsage=serverAuth")

This will generate two files: localhost.crt and localhost.key, you can store them anywhere you want to use them later. In this example we’ll suppose we have them in the folder certs in our root user home:

mkdir ~/certs/
mv localhost.crt ~/certs/
mv localhost.key ~/certs/

Optional: Manually starting development server in SSL mode

Once you have your certificate is generated, just use the next command in order to start puma instead of the typical bin/rails s:

bin/rails s -b "ssl://$HOME/certs/localhost.key&cert=$HOME/certs/localhost.crt"

Now you are ready to visit your favorite browser at the address https://localhost:3443/ (note "https" and port 3443).

Take into account that starting Puma in SSL mode manually will disable accessing it in non-ssl mode (normal http protocol).