Global moderations

The Global moderations function allows you to moderate different kind of contents and ensure that the dialog in your platform is democratic and constructive. Making use of this function, administrators, collaborators and moderators of a space can hide the contents/contributions that have been reported, where the complaint is deemed appropriate, or delete the complaint.

Looking for how to report users? See Reported users.

For instance, in the case of Decidim Barcelona, the Terms of Service says:

It is not allowed to add any illegal or unauthorized content to the site, such as information with the following features:

  • be it false or misleading;

  • to infringe any law of the City Council or any third party, such as copyright, trademarks or other intellectual and industrial property rights or related rights;

  • attacking the privacy of a third party, such as publishing personal details of participants, such as name, address, phone number, email, photos or any other personal information;

  • containing viruses, Trojans, robots or other programs that may harm the website or the City Hall systems, or the website or system of any third party, or which intend to circumvent the technical measures designed for the proper functioning of the platform;

  • to send spam to users or overload the system;

  • which has the character of message chain, pyramidal game or random game;

  • for commercial purposes, such as publishing job offers or ads;

  • that it is not in keeping with public decency; consequently, content must not incite hatred, discriminate, threaten, provoke, have no sexual, violent, coarse or offensive meaning or character;

  • to infringe the law or applicable regulation;

  • to campaign by promoting mass voting for other proposals not related to the process and the framework for discussion, and

  • to create multiple users by pretending to be different people (astroturfing).

Anyone can propose a moderation in Decidim, through the "Flag" icon in the participant profile. After a participant has clicked in this action then she needs to provide a reason why she’s making this report:

  • Contains clickbait, advertising, scams or script bots.

  • Contains racism, sexism, slurs, personal attacks, death threats, suicide requests or any form of hate speech.

  • Contains illegal activity, suicide threats, personal information, or something else you think doesn’t belong on [This organization].

Participants can also add extra information regarding their report.

Give reason for moderation modal

After a participant has reported a content, it’ll be shown in two sections of the administration panel:

  • Global moderations panel

  • Participatory space moderation panel

To go to the Global moderations panel, you need to:

  1. Sign in as administrator

  2. Go to administration panel

  3. Click in Global moderations in the sidebar

There you’ll find first all the unprocessed reports if there’s any:

Show all the moderated content list

It’s also possible to filter by the type of content that was moderated and the state of the reported content (if it was hidden or not).

  • Id: unique identificator of the reported content.

  • Type: which kind of content it was reported, for instance a Proposal or a Comment.

  • Participatory Space: which space this content belongs to.

  • Count: Number of times it has been reported by different users.

  • Reported content URL: link for seeing the content reported and see the context of the complaint.

  • Reports: why it has been reported. If the participant that made the report has given extra information it’s possible to see it by hovering it.

  • Creation date: when it was originally reported.

  • Actions: you can Expand, Unreport or Hide.

Actions (when the report wasn’t accepted yet)

Icon Name Definition

Expand icon


To see the full metadata of the reported content.

Hide icon


Allows an admin or moderator to hide this content (accepting the report).

Unreport icon


Allows an admin or moderator to keep showing this content (rejecting the report).

Actions (after the content is hidden)

Icon Name Definition

Expand icon


To see the full metadata of the reported content.

Unhide icon


Allows an admin or moderator to unhide this content (showing it publicly again).

If the report was "Unreported" and it was a mistake, meaning that for instance the content was spam but it was a mistake not accepting the report, then you’ll need to find that again in the public view and report it yourself so you can moderate it.


To see all the metadata of a report, you can see it Expanded.

Expanded moderation 01

Expanded moderation 02