
With conversations, participants can have private messaging with each other. Only the participants who are in the conversation can see each others messages.

A conversation can be started with any participant or group registered on the platform.

Example of a conversation

To start a conversations:

  1. Sign in as participant

  2. Go to the participant profile that you want to start a conversation with Participant profile

  3. Click on the contact icon Envelope icon

  4. Fill the form Start a conversation form

Alternatively, you could also:

  1. Sign in as participant

  2. Click on the conversation icon in the header Conversations icon

  3. Click on the "Start conversation" button

  4. Search the participant or group that you want to start a conversation with

  5. Fill the form

If there are new messages in a conversation, then the participant will see the icon with a color Conversation icon with color

Conversations list

Multiple participants in a conversation

It’s possible to have multiple participants in a conversation.

For this, you need to:

  1. Sign in as participant

  2. Click on the conversation icon in the header Conversations icon

  3. Click on the "Start conversation" button

  4. Search the participants or groups that you want to start a conversation with

  5. Fill the form

New conversation modal

Group converations

Just like with participants, is possible to have converstaions with groups.

Group conversations list Conversations group counter


Some things to consider about conversations:

  • It’s not possible to delete a conversation.

  • It’s not possible to edit a message in a conversation.