Code by postal letter authorization
This authorization allows a participant to request for a verification code to be sent to its address, to confirm that they live or work in this place. They will need to then fill the code in the platform.
The process is:
Participants request a verification code to be sent to their address.
An administrator sends the letter to their address with the verification code.
An administrator marks the letter as sent.
Once you mark the letter as sent, the participant will be able to introduce the code.
If this code matchs, then they get verified.
1. A participant request the verification code
By going to the authorization section in its profile, or by clicking on the action button if this permission is requested, a participant can see the form for filling in their full address to request the verification code.
If they try to edit it, they will see this message:
This is because the letter could be in the process of being sent. If this needs to be corrected, then the participant needs to contact to the organization.
2. An administrator review this request and sent the letter
In the admin panel, the administrator can review the request by going to the "Code by postal letter" in the "Participants" section.
Here they can see the verification code and can send it to the participant by mail. After the code is sent they can mark it
as sent with the icon . It’ll also show when the letter was sent.
3. A participant fills in the verification code
After the participant has received the code, they can go to their account settings and click in the "Code by postal letter" verfication method.
Then they will see the form for confirming the code.
4. The verification code matches or not
If the verification code matches, then the participant will see the message "Congratulations. You’ve been successfully verified".
On the other hand, if the verification code doesn’t match, then the participant will see the message "Your verification code doesn’t match ours. Please double-check the letter we sent to you."
After is verified, as with other verifications, they can see it in their account settings.