Process groups
A group of processes proves useful for subdividing large participatory processes into subprocesses according to a criteria, for instance the scope of every process.
As an example you can see the Barcelona City Council’s Neighborhoods Plan, Pla de Barris. This is is a 150 million euro shock plan that aims to reduce inequalities within the city. There are 10 related processes, one for each involved neighborhood.

New process group form
For creating a new process group:
Sign in as administrator
Go to the Processes section in the sidebar
Click on the Process groups link in the sidebar
Click on the "New process group" button
Fill in the form

Field | Type | Description |
Title |
Required |
Title of the participatory process group. For instance, "Participatory Budgeting". |
Description |
Required |
A long explanation of what’s your participatory process about. |
Related processes |
Optional |
Which are the processes that are related to this one? They will be used for populating the Content Blocks in the Landing page of this Process group. For selecting multiple you’ll need to use the ctrl function. |
Image |
Optional |
Image that will be used in presentation cards of this process group. Guidance for image: Preferably a landscape image that does not have any text. The service crops the image. Maximum file size: 10MB. Allowed file extensions: jpeg jpg png |
Field |
Type |
Description Hashtag Website |
Promoter group |
Optional |
Information that’s displayed in the process metadata content block. |
Organization area |
Optional |
Information that’s displayed in the process metadata content block. |
Scope metadata |
Optional |
Information that’s displayed in the process metadata content block. |
Who participates |
Optional |
Information that’s displayed in the process metadata content block. |
What is decided |
Optional |
Information that’s displayed in the process metadata content block. |
How is it decided |
Optional |
Information that’s displayed in the process metadata content block. |
Field | Type | Description |
Promoted |
Optional |
Check if you want the process to have more visibility in the Process public list. It’ll also be visible in the ParticpipatoryProcess Content Block in the Homepage configuration. This is accessible in the btn:[Edit] action in a Process. |
Landing page
One of the main features of a process group is to be able to configure the Lnading page, through Content blocks, just like the general homepage of the platform. This means that you can enable or disable different sections of the landing page and also configure some fo these sections.

Title, description and hashtag
Image, text and Call to Action button. Configurable.
Proposals. You can configure how the elements will be sorted: by most recent or random.
Results. You can configure how the elements will be sorted: by most recent or random.
Upcoming events
Participatory processes
First HTML block
Second HTML block
Third HTML block