There are some settings that you will need to change in the config/initializer/decidim.rb
file. We recommend that, whenever it is possible, you use Environment Variables, as just cleaner and easier to work with.
If you need to add special logic or if you feel more comfortable working with Ruby code instead of Environment Variables, then you can of course do all the changes that you need directly in the initializer file. Take into account that this file could be published in a Version Control System (like git
) so you should be careful with the secrets/API keys that you add here.
Remember to restart your server when making changes in this file.
This is where you can change the behaviour defined on the different components (most notably from decidim-core
After making changes to this file you will need to also restart your application server.
Default mailer sender
The email that will be used as sender in all emails from Decidim.
config.mailer_sender = ""
Available locales
Sets the list of available locales for the whole application.
When an organization is created through the System area, system admins will be able to choose the available languages for that organization. That list of languages will be equal or a subset of the list in this file.
config.available_locales = [:en, :ca, :es]
Restrict system access
For extra security, restrict access to the system part with an authorized ip list. You can use a single ip like (""), or an ip subnet like ("") You may specify multiple ip in an array ["", ""]
config.system_accesslist_ips = [""]
Default locale
Sets the default locale for new organizations. When creating a new organization from the System area, system admins will be able to overwrite this value for that specific organization.
config.default_locale = :en
Content Processors
Defines a list of custom content processors. They are used to parse and render specific tags inside some user-provided content. Check the Content Processor docs for more info.
config.content_processors = []
Force SSL
Whether SSL should be enabled or not. Recommended for extra security.
config.force_ssl = true
CORS enabled
The SVG do not support CORS. When using custom asset host different than root url, set this value to true
, in order to activate the available workaround.
Please refer to:
config.cors_enabled = true
Geocoder configuration
Allows to make geographical mapping in some components, like Proposals or Meetings. It must be configured against a OpenStreetMap provider. See Geocoder service documentation.
config.geocoder = {
static_map_url: "",
here_api_key: Rails.application.secrets.geocoder[:here_api_key]
Custom resource reference
Custom resource reference generator method. See the See System panel docs for more information.
config.reference_generator = lambda do |resource, component|
# Implement your custom method to generate resources references
Currency unit
Allows to change the currency unit, for instance to $
. By default is €
config.currency_unit = "€"
Image uploader settings
Defines the quality of image uploads after processing. Image uploads are processed by Decidim, this value helps reduce the size of the files.
config.image_uploader_quality = 80
The number of reports which a resource can receive before hiding it.
config.max_reports_before_hiding = 3
Custom HTML Header snippets
The most common use is to integrate third-party services that require some extra JavaScript or CSS. Also, you can use it to add extra meta tags to the HTML. Note that this will only be rendered in public pages, not in the admin section.
Before enabling this you should ensure that any tracking that might be done is in accordance with the rules and regulations that apply to your environment and usage scenarios. This component also comes with the risk that an organization’s administrator injects malicious scripts to spy on or take over user accounts.
config.enable_html_header_snippets = false
Track newsletter links
Allow organizations admins to track newsletter links, trough UTMs. See UTM parameters in Wikipedia.
config.track_newsletter_links = true
Download your data expiry time
Amount of time that the download your data files will be available in the server.
config.download_your_data_expiry_time = 7.days
Unconfirmed access for users
Time window were users can access the website even if their email is not confirmed.
config.unconfirmed_access_for = 2.days
Base path for uploads
A base path for the uploads. If set, make sure it ends in a slash.
Uploads will be set to <base_path>/uploads/
. This can be useful if you
want to use the same uploads place for both staging and production
environments, but in different folders.
If not set, it will be ignored.
config.base_uploads_path = nil
SMS gateway configuration
If you want to verify your users by sending a verification code via SMS you need to provide a SMS gateway service class.
An example class would be something like:
class MySMSGatewayService
attr_reader :mobile_phone_number, :code, :context
def initialize(mobile_phone_number, code, context = {})
@mobile_phone_number = mobile_phone_number
@code = code
@context = context
def deliver_code
# Actual code to deliver the code
Then you will need to configure it in the Decidim initializer:
config.sms_gateway_service = "MySMSGatewayService"
Timestamp service configuration
Used by decidim-initiatives
Provide a class to generate a timestamp for a document. The instances of this class are initialized with a hash containing the :document key with the document to be timestamped as value. The instances respond to a timestamp public method with the timestamp.
An example class would be something like:
class MyTimestampService
attr_accessor :document
def initialize(args = {})
@document = args.fetch(:document)
def timestamp
# Code to generate timestamp
"My timestamp"
Then you will need to configure it in the Decidim initializer:
config.timestamp_service = "MyTimestampService"
PDF signature service
Used by decidim-initiatives
Provide a class to process a pdf and return the document including a digital signature. The instances of this class are initialized with a hash containing the :pdf key with the pdf file content as value. The instances respond to a signed_pdf method containing the pdf with the signature.
An example class would be something like:
class MyPDFSignatureService
attr_accessor :pdf
def initialize(args = {})
@pdf = args.fetch(:pdf)
def signed_pdf
# Code to return the pdf signed
config.pdf_signature_service = "MyPDFSignatureService"
Etherpad configuration
Only needed if you want to have Etherpad integration with Decidim. See Etherpad’s Decidim docs in order to set it up.
config.etherpad = {
server: Rails.application.secrets.etherpad[:server],
api_key: Rails.application.secrets.etherpad[:api_key],
api_version: Rails.application.secrets.etherpad[:api_version]
Machine Translation Configuration
To enable machine translations you need to enable the service and specify the class used for translation (this usually is the one contacting an external API from a 3d party service that actually translates the string).
config.enable_machine_translations = false
config.machine_translation_service = "MyTranslationService"
An example class would be something like:
class MyTranslationService
attr_reader :text, :original_locale, :target_locale
def initialize(text, original_locale, target_locale)
@text = text
@original_locale = original_locale
@target_locale = target_locale
def translate
Actual code to translate the text
See Machine Translations for more information about how it works and how to set it up.
Default CSV column separator
Sets Decidim::Exporters::CSV’s default column separator
config.default_csv_col_sep = ";"
User Roles
The list of roles a user can have, not considering the space-specific roles.
config.user_roles = %w(admin user_manager)
Visibility for Amendments
The list of visibility options for amendments. An Array of Strings that serve both as locale keys and values to construct the input collection in Decidim::Amendment::VisibilityStepSetting::options.
This collection is used in Decidim::Admin::SettingsHelper to generate a radio buttons collection input field form for a Decidim::Component step setting :amendments_visibility.
config.amendments_visibility_options = %w(all participants)
Export fields
To customize export fields, you can subscribe to any serialize event. Every serializer event has unique event name in format: decidim.serialize.module_here.class_here
initializer "decidim_budgets.serializer_listener" do
ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe("decidim.serialize.budgets.project_serializer") do |_event_name, data|
# Implement your custom code for new or existing fields.
data[:serialized_data][:column_title] = "Row data #{data[:resource].class}"
Content Security Policy
Defines additional content security policies following the structure keys are the CSP directives and the values are arrays of allowed sources
List of additional content security policies to be appended to the default ones This is useful for adding custom CSPs for external services like Here Maps, YouTube, X (former Twitter) etc.
Below you will find a the recipe of enabling X (former Twitter) timelines, based on Content Security Policy (CSP) Examples Twitter example. The format is a Hash with the following structure:
"script-src": %w(,
"style-src": %w('sha256-5g0QXxO6NfvHJ6Uf5BK/hqQHtso8ZOdjlnbyKtYLvwc='),
"frame-src": %w(,
"img-src": %w(,
Additionally, the following example, will allow you to enable Decidim to properly load YouTube videos:
"frame-src" => %w(,
The keys are the CSP directives and the values are arrays of allowed sources See CSP in MDN for more information
Please note, we strongly recommend not to use the wildcard (*) as a allowed source!
The default value for this setting is an empty Hash
We are starting from the following rules defined in decidim-core
"default-src" => %w('self' 'unsafe-inline'),
"script-src" => %w('self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'),
"style-src" => %w('self' 'unsafe-inline'),
"img-src" => %w('self'),
"font-src" => %w('self'),
"connect-src" => %w('self'),
"frame-src" => %w('self'),
"media-src" => %w('self')
And we automatically add the assets host to the media-src
, img-src
, script-src
, style-src
directives, and the wss
protocol to the connect-src
To the those rules we are appending the additional content security policies defined at the organization level, if any.
The order of the directives is the following:
The default rules defined in
gem -
The content security policies required for serving the assets (defined by asset_host rails config)
The additional content security policies defined by this setting
The additional content security policies defined at the organization level
config.content_security_policies_extra = {}
Additional Reading: