
To deploy the Bulletin Board in a production environment, there are some extra precautions we need to take.


The Bulletin Board server is a Ruby on Rails application. Apart for the server stack, we will need to set up:

  • Postgresql as database;

  • Redis - used by Sidekiq.


The Bulletin Board server is published in Dockerhub as a Docker container.

If you want to deploy a modified version of the Bulletin Board, we highly recommend to use Dockerfile in the root folder of the repository to build and release the application. The file Dockerfile.worker is the same but changing the endpoint to use it as a worker. Take a look at the docker-compose.yml provided in order to see how can you use the normal Dockerfile just changing the command to execute.

Note that there are is also Dockerfile.release in the repository. It is the same but without using and entrypoint and changing the default command to execute the db:migrate task. This is mostly intended for its use in heroku.

Important You need to spin up two instances of the Bulletin Board, one for the server and one for the worker. The default entrypoint provided in the Dockerfile executes whatever command is defined (by default rails server), however you can use the ENV var RUN_SIDEKIQ to override the command and use the same Dockerfile as a worker without any other modification. See the docker-compose.yml file for an example.


The Bulletin Board uses ActiveStorage. You will need to set it up with the credentials of the cloud storage of your choice in bulletin_board/server/config/storage.yml, taking the secrets from environment variables.

Environment Variables

We’ll need to set up an array of environment variables in order for the sever to function correctly.

  • Rails:

    • RACK_ENV and RAILS_ENV with value production;

    • RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES with value true;

    • SECRET_KEY_BASE as in any Rails application;

  • Connect to Postgres:

    • DATABASE_URL with the full URL of the database;

  • Redis:

    • REDIS_URL with the full URL of the Redis instance;

  • ActiveRecord:

    • The secrets of the cloud storage of your choice;

    • For instance, if using a compatible AWS provider you should define:


      • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=**


      • AWS_REGION=eu-west-1

      • AWS_BUCKET_NAME=bucket-name

      • If using a provider that is not Amazon also define AWS_ENDPOINT with the endpoint of the provider.

    • You can also easily use Azure or GCS providers (see the previous mentioned storage.yml file for the ENV vars), but in this case add the line that applies in your case to the file bulletin_board/server/Gemfile:

      • gem "azure-storage-blob", require: false

      • gem "google-cloud-storage", "~> 1.11", require: false

  • CORS:

    • CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOWED with the list of hosts of Decidim instances that will use this Bulletin Board. If you don’t know what Decidim instances will use this Bulletin Board, you can put *

SSL certificate

To be able to use some advanced cryptography features, both the Bulletin Board as Decidim should be served using HTTPS and a valid SSL certificate.